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Weston in the home stretch
One of the coolest details is the aluminum support post holding up the entry roof. It's actually a hollow post that also serves as a...
David Hornstein

Thinking about Collaboration
If you read most architect’s blurbs these days, one of the common selling points is their ability to collaborate with the client. It...
David Hornstein

God is in The Details (Mies van der Rohe) God is in The Payment Schedule (Hornstein)
We’ve all heard the expression “God is in the details”, which basically means that details are really important. But when it comes to...
David Hornstein

David Hornstein

Dover House: Design Through Construction
Doug is producing a video series providing and in-depth look at the design and construction. See the trailer here.
David Hornstein

Weston Project Taking Shape
We're doing this project in two phases, building a guest wing that the client will move into, then tearing down and rebuilding the main...
David Hornstein

Douglas the Renderer
Doug, being 25, has far greater computer aptitude than myself, even though I've been laboring hard at 3D design for many years. He...
David Hornstein

Designing and Inventing
In addition to designing, I’ve always been interested in inventing and product development. I have a number of patents for an AI system...
David Hornstein

Screen Porch Vs 3 Season Room
In New England it can get buggy, so screen porches can be a nice way to extend your home to the outdoors. However, with our relatively...
David Hornstein

There is accounting for taste!
It’s very important for me to understand my clients’ preferences in order to design a home they will find appealing. Of course, every...
David Hornstein

Choosing a Contractor
I’m often asked by clients if can recommend a suitable contractor for their project. I want to touch on a few of the considerations that...
David Hornstein

Is Prefab Right for You?
In the past, Prefab Houses (a house built in a factory and delivered to the site) have been synonomous with cheap and unimaginative...

Construction Contracts Explained
The terms “estimate”, “bid “, and “contract” are sometimes confused, but have important differences. An estimate is an educated guess...

Why you should insist on 3D design, not CAD from your architect
Clients often ask if I use CAD (computer aided design). It’s really the wrong question- you should ask, do I design in 3D? CAD started...

This 3 minute video could change your life!
Well, not really, but you will get to meet David and see some cool projects. Maybe life-changing, in a minor way

Labor of Love
I just discovered that my baby (the house I designed and built for my family) is for sale, so it seemed like a good opportunity to write...

Do skylights leak? No. That was easy! Ok, I have to add some caveats- if they are of an older design-maybe. If they are installed...

Site Specific
A while ago I was driving around with a realtor looking for land to build a spec house. The realtor asked “what kind of house do you...

The Versatile Pergola
Pergolas, or trellises as they are sometimes called (not really the same thing) are structures that form the frame of an outdoor roof,...

Fun with Glass
My company is called Light House because I love light, which means I love glass. I try to bring in as much light as possible through a ...
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